Linkage! “Hi, my name’s Phil… “

This is great. “Hi, my name’s Phil…” – etc, etc. What an opening line to a demonstration video of some guitar japery in ‘Phil’s Epiphone Les Paul Kaoss Pad Mod’. There’s a lot more where that came from, along with a number of fascinating yelps, squeals and strange noises for which there are, in all […]

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This is great. “Hi, my name’s Phil…” – etc, etc. What an opening line to a demonstration video of some guitar japery in ‘Phil’s Epiphone Les Paul Kaoss Pad Mod’. There’s a lot more where that came from, along with a number of fascinating yelps, squeals and strange noises for which there are, in all likelyhood, no names yet assigned. If this guy was to really try to extend his vocubary of noises, then I doubt even a hardened team, hand-picked by Garret himself, could keep up.

I got this link from this article on Ars Technica, which is a great site, full of pearls of wisdom and often some good writing too by fellow geeks.

Incidentally, this link is dedicated to David and to Sean, who are both great fans of making peculiar and frequently loud noises with guitars and other implements (and, damn their talented hides, quite good at it too.) which I enjoy listening to. I’d like to learn how to play guitar myself one day. I have no talent for music, but these things don’t always stop me (even when it would be in the Greater Good for me not to try).

If either of you guys have an opinion on this link or additional information, please comment below!

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Linkage! Of the controversial kind…

Yeah, whooo! He doesn’t post for what seems like forever and a day, and then comes back again with links to stuff! As if anyone cares! Still, if you’re going to check out these links then prepare to possibly be offended. Yes, I have been busy, having all sorts of adventures and if you, the […]

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Yeah, whooo! He doesn’t post for what seems like forever and a day, and then comes back again with links to stuff! As if anyone cares! Still, if you’re going to check out these links then prepare to possibly be offended. Yes, I have been busy, having all sorts of adventures and if you, the long suffering reader, are foolish enough to stick with it then you shall read of these adventures and maybe even see some photos.

B3ta: Google Religion Search
Google Religion search – the best search idea ever!
Really, it speaks for itself when you see this image. Make sure you check it out carefully because some of the touches are quite subtle and every bit as hilarious as the obvious ones.
This is a great site. It’s a bulletin board where people post images, either ones they’ve created or ones they’ve modified from photos or stills, animations even, and it kicks off from there. Pure genius sometimes, in the best of subversive British humour, and frequently offensive to someone, somewhere, which of course I applaud.

B3ta: Spack-Rabbit
A truly offensive cartoon with rabbits!
I’ve been laughing since last Friday, intermittently howling with laughter just at the very idea, and all because of this offensive cartoon on Is it ever in poor taste! I couldn’t do it myself, because I would do it, laugh about it, show it to my friends and then never sleep again, as I lie there in the dark thinking with imeasurable guilt about the sheer badness of it (and the fact that I won’t be able to show my face in The Odeon bar again, though in fairness that’ll be no great loss, especially after my ‘spaz-dancing’ episode). If you haven’t figured out what ‘spack’ means just by looking at the cartoon, then maybe a quick trip to might clear it up for you…

Yulia Tymoshenko
The website of face of the Orange Revolution!
Imagine if she was your Prime Minister. Imagine if she was your local elected representative. I know what I’d do. I’d go round to her clinic or office or whatever and complain about the roads, the bins, the weather, the size of the squirrels, anything I could think of, just to sit there and gaze at her while she rants about legitimate democracy, people power, privatising natural resources to her friends in the power industry. I’d even try and keep my hands on the table! Well, more out of fear than respect, I’d say for all her sexy looks she’s a real nut-puncher, and I wouldn’t want to hang around in her bedroom the morning after a ‘democratic consultation’. Can you imagine that? “Did you feel the revolution last night? Did you not feel the thousand fireworks above us? Let us now storm the corrupt halls of power, and destroy the enemy! Democracy will prevail!!” “Ah here, I’m going to have a shower and go home.” I think the closest we have here in Ireland is probably Liz O’Donnell for the Reactionary Fascist party, and her dental work is nothing to be proud of.

Ok, I’m making light of what has been (and still is) a very serious situation in a country which should be as economically powerful as any in Western Europe and yet, due to Communism and corruption, is very poor and probably dangerous place to be. But look at her! Yum.

Microsoft’s one man PR army, fighting for truth and integrity!
I’ve remarked (actually, I’m not sure it’s possible to remark when there is froth dripping from your mouth, but I’ll let it pass) about the possible conflict of interest when I am writing about something on this site which is work-related. Think about it, if the problem isn’t obvious already; I’m broadcasting my thoughts publicly through this site, and these ramblings are accessible to anyone with an Internet connection and a halfway decent web-browser. So, if I write on this site that my (hypothetical; bear with me) colleague Eric is a homocidal crack-smoking moron, and I suspect strongly that he has been molesting badgers every night, then although it may not directly slanderous, then it could at least be picked up by customers who are checking my site out. And they do exist, apparently, even if they are a rare and endangered breed. They’re certainly not going to make themselves known to me but on the other hand they’ve been known to use Google from time to time, so who knows. Either way, it will affect their relationship with the company, because they’re going to be thinking about it, and probably send their work elsewhere, unless they have a soft spot for homocidal crack-smoking, possible badger-molesting morons. This is what would be termed a ‘sackable offence’.

Incidentally, that sort of thing doesn’t discourage me, partly because this blog is a fine example of how it is that I’m one of the few native English speakers in the company.

Already, you are no doubt wondering where all this is going. That is where Robert Scoble and his blog come into this ramble. Robert is blogging away about the technology industry on his WordPress site (like me, but people actually read his blog) and is well known to be working in Microsoft. He writes about what he does there, what he thinks of what they’re doing, and the Internet at large. Personally, while it’s not always fantastically interesting, and he obviously is entirely sympathetic to Microsoft, it’s not a bad blog to read about life on the inside. Particularly when he loses the plot a bit, which is what happened very recently (and you’ll have to read his site to see what happened there, but in a nutshell he lost it over some criticisms of the Windows release date). It was a bit edgy, given his high profile as an unofficial but widely-read Microsoft blogger (which could have public relations implications; again, the phrase ‘sackable offence’ springs to mind) but on the whole it was a lot more entertaining than the fluffy stuff his colleagues come out with on the Microsoft blogs, which tend to be very bland. Good on Robert, I hope he does it again.

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