Clarky and Viv got married on Friday

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005 by Kevin Teljeur

Aren’t they lovely?

Clarky and Viv got married on Friday!

I haven’t got time to write to much right now, so I’ll come back to this later. I just wanted to get the photos up there for all to see. It was a great party, though I got drunk early on and made a tool of myself.

There’s a good pic of that here, where I’m getting mauled by Therese Mk II, my girlfriend…

I was also there for the magical moment of Clarky and Viv finally making their escape at the end of the night as Man and Wife. Fair play to them, normally they rarely stick around for more than an hour, let alone the whole night…

3 Responses to “Clarky and Viv got married on Friday”

  1. Anto Says:

    Are they hailing a cab?

    Ridiculou photos btw. Found the site via technorati which told me you linked to me. Reciprocal link on the way.

  2. kevintel Says:

    Yeah, I have to post more photos from that night; they are hailing a cab and escaping into the night… It’s kind of their style really, rather than this business of having a big noisy wedding with hired cars and all that.

    Reciprocal link be good.

  3. David Says:

    Do some work Kev you dickhead.