Beautiful October Morning

Monday, October 17th, 2005 by Kevin Teljeur

It was a beautiful morning yesterday. Truly stunning, I think; a clear blue sky, with golden light which continued through the day. I didn’t take a photo because I have photos of such things and I’m happy just have seen it and enjoyed it for what it was.

Me, Kevin Teljeur, in the office with head-ring

I was thinking about that last night, that I’m lucky to experience these things. In fact, I’m lucky about a number of things – I’m healthy of mind and body, I’m not generally beset by traumas, I have good friends, my life in general is pretty good even when I complain about particular things which are actually quite trivial. And I get to enjoy seeing a sky with light like that, which is a special thing that shows how meaningless some of those trivial things are.

That rather neatly brings me to something I alluded to briefly in a post a couple of days ago, ‘the copy and paste’; I don’t intend to write to much about work generally, what I do there and how I feel about it because it’s sensitive in several ways and it’s unprofessional to start expounding at length about issues in the workplace in a public forum. It doesn’t help any and might actually cause a number of problems, not least to me. It would be like, for example, drunkenly discussing company strategy in the pub on a Friday night to anyone who’ll listen for three hours, and by Saturday morning everyone knows the company’s strategy for the next six months. Of course, I am who I am, and I’ll say this: I’m hoping to get the guys at work to let me do some web stuff. I’ve been doing some HTML and CSS stuff at home, and I reckon I could tackle a couple of web pages, maybe even a whole site…

Hm, I better stop ‘stirring the shit’ because I’ll likely get into trouble anyway. As you might gather, I’m not entirely satisfied in the office but issues are being resolved (diplomatic company management speak for things are getting better) and doubtless I’ll be singing a different tune in a few day’s time. My PC is already running faster…

I did intend to write something about the whole issue of self-censorship because it’s interesting, but I’ll summarise briefly by saying that I’m not going to go into company issues, and at the same time I’m not going to sell the company either. I’ll write what I like here, within reason.

The other morning, incidentally, I got my very own Combat Climate Change t-shirt, as thanks for my hard work on the site. By an interesting coincidence there was a lead article in one of the free morning tabloids about the cost of our Government’s attitude towards the whole issue, which is going to be very high once the various fines for not meeting our targets for reducing carbon-based pollution are calculated. For those who don’t know, the Irish Government is notorious for it’s attitude towards waste disposal, recycling, pollution and environmental issues generally (which is if you want to get rid of it, bury it somewhere or put it in a river, if you want us to do something about it for you then you’ll pay dearly for it), and finally the European Union is taking notice and handing out massive fines. So, on the one hand they’ll spend the money to promote say, putting less water in your kettle, but on the other hand they don’t make recycling a primary aim and get people to produce less waste, much less get companies to be more environmentally friendly. That’s because then Ireland will be ‘less competitive’. It’s remarkable, and goes to show that Ireland, while now a wealthy country, is still socially very backward.

Also, as an aside (which goes to show that I’m still going on repetitively about last Saturday) Garret mentioned to me that allegedly the Rape Crisis Centre may have come to the conclusion that Rohypnol/drug rape doesn’t happen anywhere as often as people think it does; in fact, some girls are drinking more, losing control, and then thinking the next day that the only way that they could have done what they did the night before is by having been drugged… I’m not saying this is true, I’m not saying that anyone said this, but if it’s true then it’s very interesting. It goes hand in hand with what doctors observed in Cork, which is violent girl-gang culture where girls drink as much as guys and then go out and beat the shit out of people very much like blokes do. I’ve certainly seen both happen. Gender Equality legislation doesn’t make a girl’s liver any bigger. That’s all I’m saying.

[Originally written 13.10.05, posted late thanks to my 'Write First, Post Later' strategy, which isn't going terribly well. Sick as a dog right now. Poo. Also, the weather isn't very good anymore and I'm not sure which is worse.]

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