Reasons to get angry

Friday, November 11th, 2005 by Kevin Teljeur

It’s been good, the last few days; I got a big room in a nice house, sharing with good people. I had a good sociable weekend. Even the erratic public transport and inclement weather shouldn’t have been able to put a dampener on the great feeling of a good night’s sleep in a solid (massive) bed.

But something else did, and I’m still seeing red over it. Today I got to hear a tirade which could have curdled milk, and it was directed at myself and my colleagues, the generally gist of which was our competence at doing our jobs. Now, I sometimes say I’m not the hardest worker – not lazy, just not sweating blood – but I do my job well, I’m good at it, and there shouldn’t be any reason to complain. I get paid to do a job, not to care about it or have passion or shit like that. What enrages me is that we work hard, all of us and if someone has an issue with any of it then it should be handled personally, in a group or face to face, not broadcasting in our direction.

This was out of line, I’m well cunted off and I think it’s a red card offence. If anyone reading this has any suggestions on how I should handle this, comment below. Remember, red card offence.

Christ, I could tear the heads off chickens and still be angry, I really could.

6 Responses to “Reasons to get angry”

  1. Anthony Says:

    Im intrigued to know who it was and what their motivation is

  2. Dave G Says:

    Whatever you do, leave the chickens out of it. Unless they where they ones dissing out the abuse if they were its time to make chicken soup.

  3. kevintel Says:

    Hm, yeah, the chickens probably don’t deserve it. Unless they’re wearing earphones and listening to music, in which case they deserve what they get. All it takes is customer service with a smile! No-one knows what’s going on.

    Heh. Ok, I’m dabbling in some in-jokes here. The question about motivation is in some ways ironic; the motivation was to motivate, but actually it removed it altogether. Nice one.

    And you’ve both worked here! Isn’t that great?

  4. kevintel Says:

    Actually, I’m not as angry anymore so much as indifferent. I have a life to live.

    Anyone got any Tina Turner I can listen to? On my EARPHONES?

  5. Tee Says:

    I vote on taking extended lunches, coming in late, taking your sweet precious time doing anything and using work time to look for other possibilities for employment, but then that’s just how I’ve dealt with past ignorant and dumb employers.

  6. andcurve.weblog » Work is Poo Says:

    [...] Work is poo at the moment. I know I said before (and it’s been the subject of much mirth amongst my colleagues since then) in a post that I don’t normally bring up work – and to be fair, I haven’t – but I really feel the need to go into it a bit more, which I’ll do tomorrow in between finding a reasonable picture of me for Ramona, printing more pictures of people for my new Media Wall, and continuing my project of Stuff Which Will Make The Jennifer Smile. And filing some bills, if I’m not actually sticking to the afore-mentioned media wall. [...]