A good Christmas

Thursday, December 29th, 2005 by Kevin Teljeur

Well, it’s been a good Christmas. Uneventful, too much tv, a lot of sleeping and some time with family. what more could I ask of a Christmas? Conor (my ‘little’ brother) picked me up on Christmas morning and brought me back to his and Deirdre’s house, and just after we arrived our mother arrived too. So it was a slow easy day. I got a phone message from Tee (she obviously wasn’t able to get through because of the shit reception), so I was a little sad that I’d missed that, but basically I had little contact with anyone. I’m pretty particular about keeping Christmas day for family.

I’m not big into the presents (I’d prefer a gift-free Christmas, personally), but I got some nice books. I got some books for them too.

Our father didn’t make it out; when my mother stopped in on her way from her new home in County Wexford to collect him from Bray it seemed that his legs didn’t work so he couldn’t come (he’s an alcoholic, and every now and again it causes malnutrition, because he doesn’t eat which makes him lame. That, and because he’s too drunk to eat.). By the end of the day, I’d decided that he was actually putting it on. Every Christmas it’s a bit of a tradition that he makes a play for getting everyone’s attention by whatever means neccessary, so this year he put on the ‘failing health’ routine so we’d still be thinking of him, in spite of him not being arsed to make it out. I’ve really had enough of it at this stage, so I have no sympathy. He needs a good hiding, not a doctor.

I went to hospital for a medical issue of my own last Friday, a colonoscopy or somesuch proceedure. I had previously been pretty cagey about it, and here and there in previous postings you might have found some references to some vague, undefined medical worry. I’ve been to the doctor a few months ago and then to the hospital for a preliminary examination a few weeks ago, and this was the final part: I’ll be blunt about it, they knocked me out and took a guided tour of my colon with a camera. It wasn’t much fun, I can tell you. Actually, I woke up somewhere in the middle of it all and was able to watch it happen on the screen they used, but I could have imagined it and either way they knocked me out again and I woke up a couple of hours later off my head and oddly enough with a pretty hefty erection (Normally welcome, but not under those circumstances. Must have been the tranquilisers.). I think the biscuits and water they gave me put paid to that. It usually does. And that was that. They gave me tea and toast too (I didn’t want it but they gave it too me anyway, probably because my refusal came out as something along the lines of “Mmwehhh hrrr vvvwuhg”) and then Garret and Nora collected me, for a day of Kev-sitting and adventure. Jesus, I really was out of it earlier that day, and I’m glad I had someone keep an eye on me, there’s no knowing what I might have gotten up to without someone keeping an eye on me.

Christmas Eve was… Well, here’s the thing. Every year up until now, without fail, and Christmas in Australia excepted because I was in the middle of nowhere with no money to spend, and no-one to spend it on (aww), I’ve left my Christmas shopping until the last possible minute and then done it all generally on Christmas Eve or the day before that. Bedlam. However, this year I did it last week which is new. I had nothing to worry about this weekend apart from some grocery shopping, and maybe wrapping the presents (which I abandoned anyway as being pointless). Is it because I’ve finally grown up? I’ve finally gotten laid and had an adult relationship? Or is it the influence of living out in Los Blancheles as a Yuppie, and sharing with the hyperkinetic organised Annette? Time will tell, but it was very nice to have nothing to worry about the day before Christmas.

That was good because the week before was pretty hectic, what with the hospital visit on Friday, having flown to England and back on Tuesday (which took it out of Ciaran and myself, it’s lot to fit into a day), and a generally hard week in the office. Was there other stuff? Oh yes, some socialising too, I met up with Caroline, Michelle, Clare, Liam and Michael on Monday night for our annual Kris Kindle, which was great, not least because it sometimes seems like I haven’t seen them in many, many long months. Too many, and I can’t believe I’m too busy to see them more often.

The weekend before is something I’ll cover in a separate post, because it includes the big Company Christmas Party, and a visit to Garret and Nora, all big adventurous events with photos attached.

Here’s something I’ve noticed; Paramount Comedy 1, on NTL Cable here in Dublin, is basically showing cheap lousey porn after a certain hour and dressing it up as comedy. It’s pretty weird, actually. They show porn with a ‘comedy’ soundtrack and it’s not too hardcore, but still… To offset it, RTE showed ‘Evelyn’, where Pierce ’007′ Brosnan tries to play a Dublin man,trying to rescue his kids from adoption. It’s really a waste of space.

‘Minority Report’ is still a beautiful-looking piece of film-making, by the way. Even if he’s inclined to making feel-good pap every once in a while, Spielberg is still a damn fine director. And indeed, maker of movies generally. It’s a good time of the year for movies on the tellybox.

Either of my regulars notice the style changes on the site? No? I’ll have to wrap a lot of posting loose ends this week (I have heaps of leftovers, unfinished posts, etc), do my yearly round-up and maybe do something clever with photos, like I did at the end of 2002… Anyone remember that?

Photos to follow.

One Response to “A good Christmas”

  1. Anthony Says:

    Great post. I especially like the photo link at the end. Thinking of doing something similiar myself. The hospital visit sounds hair-raising alright. Hope it went well.

    Really want to see the office Christmas photos. :)